Services and pricing are subject to change.
My Baby’s Debut is excited to offer moms, dads and families unique opportunities to capture the miracle of their growing baby in 3D/4D/HD Live Ultrasound experiences throughout their pregnancy. Your video and pictures will be saved to our Google Drive and forwarded to your email within 24 hours of your visit. Once you have received, if you desire, your files will be shareable with your family and friends.
During the different stages of your pregnancy, you can expect to see the following.
- Receive your results via email the next day.
At 6wks, your baby develops an audible heartbeat via a diagnostic transvaginal ultrasound only performed at your OB Office. Starting at 8 weeks your baby can be seen via an abdominal ultrasound. Your baby is very tiny and looks like a peanut. But you can visibly see the heart beating and the little one moving around. Each week your baby grows you can see more details. Around the 10 week mark your baby has developed arms and legs and by 13 weeks it is kicking and swinging its arms and legs. Gender parts are developing and getting ready for their reveal at 14 weeks.
For moms between 8 and 13 weeks and/or 35 and 40 weeks of your pregnancy, but can be purchased throughout your pregnancy
- 2D Session (black and white)
- Short clip of your baby’s heartbeat
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
Even though your baby will be skinny with skeletal features, this is normal at this stage. Your little one has not started forming fat. But gender parts have developed. This is a great stage for a heartbeat buddy and gender reveal items to share your happy news with friends and family! Secret Genders are welcome as well. We do ask if you are planning a secret gender to limit your guest to the significant other and your secret keeper. Your viewing time will be limited to see the baby’s profile and hearing the heartbeat so we may keep your SECRET! No worries your WHOLE session will be recorded and sent to your secret keeper’s email! (This will be an important detail to give us at the time of scheduling your appointment.) Once you have had your gender reveal party, your secret keeper can forward your pictures and video link to your email and you will have the video and all of your pictures as a keepsake!
For moms and dads that want to know the gender of their baby early on ultrasound
- 2D session
- 3D/4D sneak peek
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
- 10% discount off each additional visit during same pregnancy
- **Free additional visit 2 weeks later if gender is not visible during first visit
Your baby has started to form fat and starting to look more like your precious bundle of joy. This is a great time to capture hands and feet pictures, as well as face shots. Those heartbeat buddies are a great addition at this stage!
- 15-minute 3D/4D/HD ultrasound session
- Gender of baby upon request
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
- 10% discount off each additional visit during same pregnancy
- This package may be purchased throughout your pregnancy after 22wks.
Your baby should still have plenty of room and have formed enough fat for us to capture those adorable ultrasound images. This is the “perfect” time to get your chubby baby face shots! Don’t forget those heartbeat buddies!
- TWO 15 minute 3D/4D/HD Sessions after 28 wks
- Gender of baby upon request
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
- 10% discounts off additional visits during same pregnancy
2 Sessions
Session 1
First Visit: Anytime between 14 and 21 weeks
- 2D session
- 3D/4D sneak peek
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
Session 2
Second Visit: Anytime between 28 and 34 weeks
- 3D/4D ultrasound session
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
Your baby is close to its birth weight and is feeling pretty snug. The position of the baby determines the pictures!
- 15-minute 3D/4D/HD ultrasound session
- Gender of baby upon request
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
- 10% discount off each additional visit during same pregnancy
- Includes the Gender and Complete 3d/4d/HD sessions. Each additional session will be the Peace Of Mind so moms can see their baby and her it’s heartbeat.
- 1 scan every 4 weeks throughout the pregnancy
- Your video and pictures will be emailed to you at the email address you provide upon registration.
For inquiries and appointment, get in touch with us.
Gender Reveal Items
Smoke Bombs
Confetti Cannons
Gender Balloons
Optional Heartbeat Buddies
Add your baby’s heartbeat in a stuffed plush toy. We have a variety of animals to choose from! Available for purchase with packages 2-6.

Gift Certificates
My Baby’s Debut Gift Certificates are the most appreciated and treasured gifts available for expectant parents and are the most requested gift for mothers. Our Gift Certificates can be purchased over the phone and mailed to the purchaser or mailed directly to the expectant mother. Walk-in purchases for Gift Certificates are also available.
In Honor of those who so graciously serve our country we are offering a 10% Discount to ALL Military and Public Service Workers with ID (Fire Fighters, Healthcare Professionals, Police Officers & Teachers) on 3D/4D/HD Live Services # 3 through 6, discount does not apply to Services # 1 or #2.
Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy:
A hour cancellation notice is required to avoid being charged a NO SHOW FEE of $25.00. You may call or email us if you need to reschedule your appointment at any time. There is no charge for rescheduling. Refunds will only be issued in the event of a medical emergency – a note from your OB will be required.
He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
Mark 9:36-37 NIV