Time has flown!
Published on, 24 Jun, 2015
Wow it is hard to believe we have been open for 6 months! God has blessed My Baby’s Debut so much! What a blessing it has been, and continues to be, scanning hundreds of mommy’s these last 6 months! It has been so much fun watching many of our first babies in December grow through their pregnancy with multiple scans. We are now seeing many of “our babies” born healthy and growing so fast! What a transition!!
If you do not believe life begins at conception I welcome you to witness the MIRACLE in our studio by viewing a scan of a 14 week gestational baby. Too see its legs and feet flailing around and hear the strong little heart beat, it never gets old!! Thank you to my clients for trusting us at My Baby’s Debut and allowing us to be a part of such a joyous occasion in your life!
Carla Glover, Owner